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How To Creat Account in Mangalam Career Step By Step in English
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If you want to create your account in Mangalam Career website then it is very easy even if you are a beginner.
Step 1: Creat a Mangalam Career Account
  • If you don't already have a Mangalam Career account, now's the time to create one. Don't worry, it will take just a few minutes.
  • Go to and tap Create account.
  • Fill the entire form.
  • After filling the entire form, click on the SignUp button.
  • After clicking on the SignUp button, an E-mail Verification link will be sent to your G-mail, you have to click on it, which will be like this.
  • After clicking on E-mai Verification, your account will be created.
  • Once the account is created, you can log in.